As the leading memory card photo recovery software, in the past 10 years, millions of users downloaded and used CardRecovery software to recover their lost photos and videos from camera and phone memory cards. We received thousands of emails from our happy users with their testimonials, reviews, and their stories to share.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your wonderful product. I was adjusting some of the menu options with my Nikon D70 and inadvertently reformatted the 1GB compact flash card! Besides losing all of our birthday and special events we had on there, I also deleted all of our pictures from your recent Hawaii vacation! All in all, I lost 600 pictures. After settling down from my initial panic attack, I remembered that nothing is ever truly deleted. I did a simple search on the internet and found your website prominently displayed. I tried the evaluation program, saw all of my pictures and promptly upgraded to the full version! Imagine my surprise and relief to have recovered every picture! Thanks again for your excellent product |
- S. Chrzanowski MD, USA | |
I just used your program to recover some very important images from an assignment that I had to go to LA to get. The program worked perfectly, a rare occurrence from software obtained from the internet, in my experience. Thanks a lot. |
- G. Watson CA, USA | |
This program saved my job, my reputation, and a hell of a lot of good photos! I'm a profesional photographer. I recently paid $3,000 to do a choper flight over some industrial sites in Australia. I got some excellent photos and video footage - critical shots for several companies. When I got back to the ground, I hit the play button and all I saw was ERROR - FORMAT CARD. I think I had a heart attack!! Everything was gone, my PC could not even read the card - ERROR ERROR ERROR, 16Gigs worth! With Card Recovery, I got ALL the images back. Thank you guys! A life saver! |
- D. Proud Watson, AU Website: http://www.danproud.com | |
This product is AMAZING! I bought a digital SLR for a trip and didn't read the manual before hand and ended up deleting over 200 pictures from the trip by pressing the format button. I was devasted! I took the memory card into a reputial camera retailer and they were only able to recover 3 photos. I had almost given up hope, but decided to google digital photo recovery and Card Recovery came up. I was skeptical, but didn't really have anything else to lose. I downloaded the free trial and low-and-behold, there was every single picture I had taken on the trip! The website was not only easy and effective, but absolutely resonably priced! I will spread the word. Thanks so much! |
- S. Carlson CA, USA | |
We were near the end of our two-week vacation in Alaska. Our new Pentax digital camera had almost 500 images on the card when we accidentally reformatted it. Everything was gone. No beautiful mountains, glaciers, humpback and killer whales, moose, bald eagles, and three types of bears. I whipped out the 201 page camera instruction booklet and learned our pictures were toast. I called the camera guy I bought it from and he agreed. We were very sad. I went online and learned there were many products available that claimed they could help. After reading the CardRecovery testimonials, I was absolutely certain these were real stories. Theses were not "I spilled gravy on my homework and the dog ate it" stories. You could feel their pain. We could try it for free so what the heck. IT WORKED! CardRecovery restored all 476 images. It really worked. We were very happy. I want to thank the CardRecovery computer geeks for saving the day! |
- L. Heintz GA, USA | |
CardRecovery saved my .s twice! The first time I had formatted a card that my employee was supposed to download before I went on the shoot, but he didn't. well, when I realized this I downloaded the CardRecovery software and it not only found the photos I was looking for, but also found bunch of other things from before. The second time the card was corrupted and it was footage from a wedding for a bride that was going to KILL me if some shots were lost. I am so glad it worked! |
- P. Blagoev FL, US Website: http://www.dominoarts.com | |
Just finished running around the house screaming! Thank you so , so much I cannot thank you enough. I watched in horror as my images were wiped by my computer, not just any images oh no only of my best friends wedding! I am a professional photographer so it can happen to anyone but you saved the day I will definitely be recommending you, again THANK YOU! |
- M. Wardman Bradford, UK | |
Dear Card Recovery, I was devastated - as so many others in your testimonials were. My family had all gathered together, old and (very) young, to celebrate my mother's 70th last Sunday. I was well prepared with all my equipment - I even brought a Portable Data bank (essential for camping holidays!). Horror the next day then to find nothing read my xD card. 2 years old and never gone wrong, but the camera (a Fujifilm S7000) said "Card not initialised". Family had come from all over the UK! And some photos were composed solely for me and no one else took it! Sadly I turned to the Internet - and your product popped up first. And a HUGE weight was lifted as I saw it gather the shattered pieces together of nearly 90 photos, with only the first two lost. I bought the enabling key and secured the lot. THANK YOU SO MUCH! |
- C. Wynne Leyland, UK | |
Just wanted to say thanks for allowing me to recover pic's from my SD card. I thought my goose was cooked, until I found your software. The software interface was easy to use and worked great. From a marketing/sales standpoint, you might want to consider getting your software bundled with devices( i.e. camera's, etc) that could use your recovery software. Thanks again |
- R. Nilssen FL, USA | |
Your software worked great. I was able to retrieve over 500 vacation pictures that we were sure were lost. It is probably the best software purchase that I have made. |
- J. Rupert ON, Canada | |
Call me an old sceptic if you want! But when my son told me about Card Recovery, I laughed out loud and told him not to be stupid. However, when my devasted wife was so upset because we had lost our special pictures before we could save them to the PC, I had no other option except to try it. I cannot tell you how grateful I am. I got soooooo many kisses from my excited wife, it was worth every penny! |
- S. Auker Keighley, UK | |
I have two Card Recovery miracles to share. I discovered the software after being upset for a couple days because my daughter had accidentally deleted all our vacation pictures from my camera. Then a few days ago, my brother-in-law called and said he had dropped his digital camera in a river while fishing in Alaska. He wondered if the software I had told my siblings about could recover the pictures from the formerly wet card. To our amazement, I was able to recover all but THREE of more than 100 images on the formerly wet card! Card Recovery continues to amaze me! |
- D. Maddox OR, USA | |
I don't know how I can add to the testimonials that I read on your site. They truly tell the tale of the Godsend that your company is to the digitally-impaired. My family just spent three weeks in Alaska and I was able to download two sets of over 100 photos from our digital camera onto my laptop which I took along with us. Today we tried to download the remaining 100 photos, and the memory card was completely corrupted. The camera company said I was out of luck, but I pressed them and they said that some companies sell software that is supposed to recover corrupted photos, but that the software usually doesn't work. I Googled and your name came up first. You had a guarantee of no payment if no success. I tried your software and you provided me with over 100 pictures not only of Alaska, but of other things that I had forgotten were on the memory card. You saved the day. You can't put a price on memories, but $40 for this software is the best 40 bucks I have ever spent, and I doubt that I will ever find a better bargain for as long as I live. THANK YOU SO VERY, VERY MUCH. |
- N. Bobys MD, USA | |
Fantastic Stuff!! Your software worked as well as all the other testimonials claimed. My boss just got back from a once in a lifetime Alaskan trip. Over 300 photos were lost during a problem transfer. She was devastated and despite out best efforts we couldn't locate them. We decided to look on the web for a Sandisk recovery site and found you. I'm a skeptic so I looked for more info and found your product mentioned at other sites so you looked legit. I decided to try your free software and voila! There the lost pictures were. You can imagine how happy she is. Thank you for a wonderful product. |
- M. Silva HI, USA | |
9 hours ago I was totally devastated -- accidentally deleting all my Lake Superior vacation photos... thanks to your product I was able to recover about 90% of them. I'm so glad I found you guys on the internet!! I called Best Buy and spoke to the Geek Squad... well, he was a real GEEK, because he told me they didn't sell photo recovery software because it would be horribly expensive to sell to the general public, and I would have to go to downtown Minneapolis and have a Geek Squad member "try" to recover it for me, but the odds were that it was not going to happen. Your product gave my vacation a happy ending after all! Thanks so much!! |
- S. Clayton MN, USA | |
I was really frustrated because I could see the images on my LCD in the camera but the card reader wasn't able to download them. I used the trial evaluation program and CardRecovery found them immediately. I bought the license and was amazed at how quickly Card Recovery found my corrupted files. I recovered a 512 card in less time than it took to make a pot of coffee. This was really simple to use! This is an excellent program, costing hundreds less than other card recovery programs! Website: http://jerry.dellinger.com |
- J. Dellinger IL, USA | |
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Today was the second day of my brother's wedding and I took a few hundred pictures. Later on, after I tried to download pictures to my computer I found that almost half of the pictures mysteriously disappeared. I was devastated. I tried everything in attempt to recover at least some pictures. I checked the internet trying to find some recovery software. Nothing worked until I found this wonderful program, called CardRecovery. I NOW HAVE ALL OF MY PICTURES BACK!!!!!! I deeply appreciate all people who made this wonderful program. Today you guys made my day!!!! |
- E. Shmain NY, USA | |
I used your software and it worked perfectly. I was able to recover all the deleted pictures which everyone told me it is impossible to recover those deleted pictures. I just wanted to thank you. I paid so much money with different websites and your was the only one which worked. |
- H. Ziaiematin CA, USA | |
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you! Oh my goodness. I was so worried that the pictures were lost. My wife and I are moving across the country and have been taking pictures with friends & family all week. When half the pictures were corrupted, I was panicking to say the least. All but 2 files were completely recovered, the two bad ones showing previews but could not open the actual file. |
- B. Linn CA, USA | |
I dont know how you guys have done it but this programme is quite simply eye opening. How does it do it? I am speechless! Got back from two weeks in the carribbean with what we thought was about 400 photographs, and when we looked at the camera upon our return home, we had about 15. Not even the camera software or pc could see the images. We were physically distraught and sick, i cant explain how bad we felt. A week later i checked out some programmes by doing a search, but no luck, then i checked out your free trial. When every image showed up as a thumbnail i felt like i had won the lottery. What a feeling. Thank you guys. You have made my day and my girlfriends. Keep up the good work. |
- G. Clark Wigan, UK | |
Thank you! CardRecovery is awesome! It really saved my day! |
- J. Halminen Mikkeli, Finland | |
Today I wrongly deleted ALL the files of a complete wedding that I had done at the weekend. You can imagine the panic I was in - and thinking what I was going to say to the Bride. Then in my scramble to find a recovery programme I found your download and also purchased it on the spot. Thank goodness for your programme as I recovered ALL the wedding files, absolutely safe and sound. Thank you for such a great programme. |
- V. Evans NR. Edinburgh, UK | |
My husband went on a fishing trip last week and caught a baby shark. In the process of trying to move the pictures I accidently deleted the one with him holding up the shark. I didn't know how to tell him. I was awake until 2 am trying to retrieve the picture. The next day I was near tears when one of my company's IT people told me there was absolutely no way to recover it. I told him I'd come across your website, but he was skeptical. I'm so glad I didn't listen to him. Your product is so easy to use...within minutes of purchasing it I was able to recover the picture! I'm so excited. I highly recommend this product. Thanks so much! |
- V. Powell GA, USA | |
My 13 year old daughter just spent 3 weeks traveling through Europe as a Student Ambassador. Three days before she was due to come home she called very upset. It seemed that her memory card somehow got corrupted and she thought that she lost all her pictures. Upon her arrival home we downloaded the free trial version of your evaluation software. A half an hour later, to our delight most of our daughter's pictures were able to be previewed. We of course purchased the software and saved the file!!! When our daughter wakes up tomorrow we will surprise her with the happy news. Thank you for helping preserve wonderful memories from a very special summer. We can't wait to share the news the happy news. |
- A. Schefen NY, USA | |
Fantastic piece of software you have there! While we were changing settings on the camera, the battery went out. After replacing the battery it said that the memory card was empty. I went to the computer, put it in to check and it said the same thing. We tried it in other cameras. We checked to see if the photos were saved on the cameras memory...nothing. My sister in law was heart-broken. The card contained vacation pictures of their family and probably will be the last one they get to take all together since the eldest will be off to college next summer. You are a life saver! |
- W. Duhe LA, USA | |
Having gone to Australia (from the UK) to visit my brother-in-law whom we haven't seen in 12 years, I was devastated when the SD card on the Nikon suddenly said it needed formatting. 92 photos from the first week were, apparently lost. On our return to the UK, as an act of desperation I did a search on the internet and found your software. TOTALLY AWESOME!!! It found every photo - I was impressed beyond words. This is brilliant software which does exactly what it claims to do, and with no fuss. Excellent value for money. |
- N. Stock Bournemouth, UK | |
Thank you very much for this fantastic program absolute great, i was on holiday in ireland with my boyfriend, it was his first time there, we¡¯d taken about 270 fotos and by mistake i deleted all of them, i was so upset and he was even worse, but thanks to this program i got them all back, for me 10 points. |
- Debbie and Ruben, France | |
Thank you for helping me save the 80+ pictures I accidentally deleted from my mother's trip to Italy. I appreciate the speed and ease of use I was able to get, install and use the program. Thanks again, and I will definitely recommend your program to anyone I know! |
- D. Pecorella NY, USA | |
you folks are great and i've sent this link for your company to people that i know as i think some may be able to use your service for their businesses. continued success and thanks. |
- J. Menese GA, USA | |
Thank you so much, i was in floods of tears when i found out i had accidently erased my treasured holiday photos, but thanks to you i have recovered them all! Worth every penny! Thank you again! |
- L. Hough Wallasey, UK | |
My PC 'hang' and I took the SD memory card out. Back in the camera no more pictures at all! After rebooting tried to access the SD card, but no more photos. Tried 6 other programs before I found this one. All the other programs reported no more pictures. CardRecovery recovered 212 pictures! |
- B. Dijk Rotterdam, Netherlands | |
We were very excited to get our pictures back from our Alaskian cruise. Now that it is almost 2 months later they bring back wonderful memories. Thank-you |
- C. Wolff Salt BC, CA | |
A faulty Olympus XD 512Mb card "ate" my shot's of the Amazon & Iguazzu Falls. CardRecovery lived up to its name...............it recovered 200 photos & 11 movie clips (over 95% of the "lost" data). I NEVER write testimonials! But I have broken that tradition, to sing the praises of this excellent application. Many Many Thanks |
- N. Keig Isle of Man, UK | |
Thanks, your software recovered my pictures (366) taken on a recent Alaska trip. Your software may have saved my marriage!!!! |
- P. Allison AL, USA | |
I accidentally delete some picture files from my camera memory card that contained pictures at the Georgia Aquarium of a friend's 93 year old father. These pictures are priceless since this will probably be his last time to go to the aquarium. Worrying about this all night made me want to find a way to recover these files. CardRecovery was the answer to the solution to the problem and was very easy to use pictures. Thanks for the product and I will highly recommend it to my friends. |
- W. Miller TN, USA | |
Thanks for your quick response. I am 'up and running'. Thanks again. I've actually viewed the missing photos of my children. |
- S. Conlon Teesside, UK | |
I just wanted to write and say thank you soooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!! I just downloaded the program and it absolutely saved my life!! I'm a wedding photographer, and I just realized that I accidentally deleted the only portraits of the couple together on their wedding day, then shot the reception over it. I was completely panicked when I found your program. It found all the photos I needed and really saved the day! Thanks again!! |
- K. Chance KS, USA | |
If you're reading this you are probably in sheer horror that you mistakenly formatted your memory card and lost all your pictures. Not to worry, this software is a miracle! Brought back all my pictures after the memory card was formatted, 289 pictures in all. |
- R. Hostetler OH, USA | |
No question, no problem. Just a kudos on this software. I rushed out & bought digital camera on my way to the hospital to witness the birth of my first grandchild. I purchased a Lexar 1 GB card and took dozens of amazing pictures. In order to email many pictures at a time, I dropped the pictures one at a time into PhotoShop and reduced them....then saved each reduction. No, I didn't copy the pics to a folder on my hard drive, I saved them to the card replacing the original high res pics! I was horified....they were terrible. A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. My brother Pat worked for Corbis many years ago & he found & recommended your product. You made my day! Best of luck to all involved with this software....sell it to Lexar as thier tech support guy was of no help! Regards, |
- D. Fitting WA, USA | |
hello all at winrecovery thanks for a life saving piece of software,we thought we had lost our holiday pictures but thanks to you guys the day and my daughters beautiful pictures are saved we cant thank you enough,so from a very ,very satisfied customer in the smokey zone (well its not to bad) london uk thanks again we could not have done it without you. all the very best to you guys |
- P. Williams Edgware, UK | |
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! your company just helped me retrieve pictures of our newborn baby boy! You can imagine how valuable these pictures are to us! Have a great day! |
- Y. Wu CA, USA | |
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!! Got back from a wedding yesterday and downloaded my cards, got to the last card and it said card not formatted please format card. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. This cannot be happening to me !!! So I had to format it and lose the images and not sleep very well last night. Anyway today I thought well I will give a try at some card recover software and yours popped up. Now Im usually very cynical about these types of software at such a cheap price but I thought Ive got nothing to lose so I tried it. Could it have been any simpler!! I dont think so. Once again thank you sooooooooooo much you really have saved my bacon. |
- T Teasdale Bradford, UK | |
Unbelievable software! I was able to recover all of my photos of my daughters College Graduation from a defective Lexar 1GB CF card. At the time when the recovery was complete and we went to view the images and all of them were there my wife started to cry. I myself could not believe your product actually worked. I thought the images were lost forever. I even warned my wife not to get her hopes up to much . but the bottom line is it worked exactly as claimed! Thanks for saving the day. |
- T. Clyder IL, USA | |
I used your software to restore the pictures from my digital camera. I am extremely happy with the results. I thought these pictures were gone for ever. |
- C. Gale TX, USA | |
I just wanted to thank you for your software. I just purchased and downloaded it. We went on vacation this weekend and one of our kids accidentally deleted all the pictures on the digital camera flash memory card. I found you guys on line and successfully recovered all the images. Thanks again. |
- T. Colpitts NC, USA | |
Amazing!!! I had over 100 images of birds I had taken with my Nikon Digital SLR. I use the Lexar Pro CF cards and had three others in my card wallet which I needed to format. In a bit of a hurry I removed the card from the camera and went about formatting all cards. Needless to say, my bird shots were gone too! I was really upset with myself since I don't work that way, but it was too late! That's when I discovered your amazing tool. After purchasing your CardRecovery I quickly was able to recover my lost images, and from all four cards to boot. Your product is a genuine image saver. Many thanks for producing a great product. I'll spread the news to all my photog pals. |
- C. Slease MD, USA | |
Thank you for your product. As a part time wedding photographer, my son asked me to 'do' his wedding photos in Ireland. A stressful event at the best of times but when I downloaded my XD card and discovered only 130 of the 350+ images I expected I was devasted and the card read "card not initialised". I have just spent two sleepless nights until I could get home and decide what to do. I downloaded your software and within a short space of time my images were recovered. Thanks again. |
- J. Brown Brighouse, UK | |
I am an Assistant Scoutmaster who has been nicknamed "Troop Paparazzi." (I've taken over 15,000 photos over the past four years) Toward the end of a long day of cave exploration in Iowa with the troop this past weekend, my 512 Mb Compact Flash card failed. I had taken quite a few shots. My heart dropped down into the pit of my stomach when the digital camera said that the card needed formatting. I did not format the card, but instead replaced it with a different one. I hooked it up to the card reader on my computer, and it also said the card needed formatting. I jumped on the web and found CardRecovery.com. To say that I was elated to see those photos being recovered would be an understatement. Thanks for recovering all of those memories, CardRecovery! This was a miracle. Thanks! |
- D. Pearson IL, USA | |
Thanks for a professional solution. I am not a pro photographer, but I lost 100 pictures of my trip to Australia, including many of our grandchildren, and I can only thank you again for a wonderful and easy to use piece of software. |
- A. Andrew Greater Manchester, UK | |
We recently went on holiday to Thailand for our 2 week honeymoon, which we of course recorded on our digital camera. We went during the Thai New Year (also called the water festival, for reasons which will become apparent...) We had taken about 150 pictures, recording the fantastic time we had, and on the way home in an open back taxi we were deluged with bucket after bucket of water. Unfotunatley, this got our camera wet, and the SD card became critically corrupted, refusing to display any information! We panicked, assuming we'd lost all of our pictures, and with them some of the glorious memories of our honeymoon! In a fit of despair, I tried your software, and to my joy, all of our pictures returned, crystal clear and as good as the day they were taken! The programme even recovered some pictures I deleted a year ago after our last holiday! Cardrecovery is the best 26 Pounds Sterling I have ever spent, and has helped me get back the wonderful memories I thought were gone forever! Thank you so much, and keep up the good work! |
- S. Smith Preston, UK | |
My name is Serena and I am a professional wedding/portrait photographer. I lost a portrait session off of one of my compact flash memory cards, thought I saved it on my computer but I didn't!!! The card had been formatted also. I took the card to "geek squad" in my city and they said it was hopeless because it had been formatted and didn't even try to look at it. I didn't give up, I got online and found your site. I read some of the testimonials and gave it a try. Not only did I recover the lost portrait session but also the portrait session before that one that I had deleted! It actually recovered pictures that were deleted, then formatted! I am still in shock! What a wonderful and fast way to recover the images. I can't believe it only costs $40, I would have paid alot more! I even called "geek squad" and filed a complaint and told them about your software and how I would never need their services. I am so happy and I had to write like the others. One more thing, it didn't even take me 30 minutes! Wonderful, I will tell everyone I ever meet about this software! Thanks so much! Photography by Serena |
- S. Block NC, USA | |
I am a professional photographer in rural Colorado. I recently photographed a wedding when my 4GB Extreme III CF card failed after about 300 images were captured. The data recovery software provided with the card also failed to work as necessary. I was desperate, but I am also the biggest skeptic when it comes to software I find through a search engine. In Short: CARDRECOVERY WORKS. I got every image I lost back safe and sound. THANK YOU for your product... From Lee Robinson Photography |
- L. Robinson CO, USA | |
I just had to let you all know that your product is WONDERFUL! I am a real estate photographer and had taken pictures of 3 homes in one day. Later that evening, I checked my pic files on the memory card and over half of them were missing!!! I tried for hours to figure out what went wrong. It did not seem possible that the pic files disappeared off the memory card! But they did! My camera did not appear to have any problems and while taking the pictures, I did not experience any strange things so I could not figure out what went wrong! I came across your program and thought I would give it a try! Well to my extreme surprise, your program was able to recover those missing files!!!! Your program has saved me many many hours of reshooting, travel time, and humilation of having to explain to my clients why I had to reshoot (of course I couldn't even explain to myself) not too mention the money lost of having to reshoot. So the $40 I spent on your program was a small price to pay!! Thank you for such a wonderful product that actually works! |
- J. Williams NC, USA | |
I just bought your fine product and it recovered more than 500 Canon CR2 RAW files from a Sandisk Ultra II 4GB CF. My other recovery program did not find all the file parts and as a result none of the RAW files recovered could be converted. Your product, however, is apparently a bit more smart and found all the parts of the files I needed. |
- D. Lathem AL, USA | |
I would like to say thank you for this piece of software - which has got back all my 200+ photos which I thought I had lost totally. Such an easy and painless process too. |
- J. Poynter Berkshire, UK | |
Just a brief note to let you know that I did get the software to work. I have purchased the full version and was able to recover about 90% of my pictures. |
- J. Tanner CO, USA | |
Greetings, You don't have a "Subject" - "Really Happy Customer/User" so I chose Sales Question. Your software is GREAT! It looked like we had lost over 100 irreplaceable images from our vacation due to a malfunctioning card reader. It appeared our images were zapped. Your software got almost all of them back - about 106 out of 114. Thank you so much - it's a great product worth every penny. Cheers |
- M. Wagner NC, USA | |
Just a quick thank you. I already had two other rescue programs on my computer but when I needed them, they failed. I downloaded your program( found via google) and had all my lost images from a recent shoot loaded on my computer and ready for processing in a matter of minutes. Thanks for the help..... |
- J. Work TX, USA | |
Dear Card Recovery Team, We would like to congratulate you on your CardRecovery software which proven to be such a wonderful product. We also would like to express our gratitude for saving our holiday photos and all those invaluable memories that they posess. We were unfortunate enough to purchse a faulty Sony Memory Stick and were told by numerous specialists (including Sony support) that we will never be able to recover the corrupt photos and should just forget about them. When we were just about to give up we came accross your product and were delighted with the results! Once again, we would like to thank you for CardRecovery and the work you do and say that thanks to you we will be able to look back at our holiday memories which are so dear to us. Kind regards, |
- Anna and James Sydney, Australia | |
Thought I'd drop a line to say that CardRecovery has just saved my life. I accidentally deleted all my wife's holiday photos and videos, this product has got them all back before she even found out they had been deleted! Wonderful! |
- P. Andrews Kingston, UK | |
Just wanted to say a big thanks for your product saved an on location shoot and kept me from wasting alot of other peoples time. |
- J. Glowczwski USA | |
It worked flawlessly - absolutely brilliant. Thanks. |
- M. Spratt TX, USA | |
Thanks for cardrecovery. After recording audio all day on a CF card, when I moved the card to a reader hooked up to my computer it came up as blank. Back in the recorder the card wasn't recognized as valid media. CR to the rescue--and thanks. The material I got today was totally un-redoable. |
- P. Perkins CA, USA | |
Hey everything worked fine!!! Recovered all photos (500) Thanks. |
- D. Cardoza CA, USA | |
Hi CardRecovery I erased a whole folder of files from my Canon 20D CF card, but your software found them all! The real story is that they were all from Christmas day with our family. Now I can mail the lost photos to the family after my big erasure mistake. Many, many thanks. |
- C. DRURY NY, USA | |
Just wanted to say this is a great program. |
- M. Smith London, UK | |
Thank you for creating the most life-saving piece of software ever. I accidently deleted all of the photo's of my baby son's first Christmas from my memory card. My wife was in tears and I thought she would never forgive me. But then I did a google search and found your CardRecovery software. It recovered everything - definitely our most precious photo's - thank you so much. |
- A. Netter Swindon, UK | |
Sirs - early today I purchased CardRecovery because I had lost all of my Christmas pictures on my CF card. I tried all of the free stuff - got junk back - but your program retrieved EVERY picture and EVERY pixel! THANKS!!!!! What a lifesaver. I was about to be dead meat. |
- C. Rockefellow MI, USA | |